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Price list for CarbonFix

A detailed comparison of the services offered
can be found below


free of charge

It is used to test filling data into the calculation tool, including displaying basic results within Scope 1 and 2.



4 900 Kč

Contains the calculation range for Scope 1 and 2. At the end of the calculation it is possible to download a report on the result of the calculation in the defined scope.



9 900 Kč

Full range calculation for Scope 1, 2 and 3. After the user completes the calculation, the output is checked. A report with the results can then be downloaded.



24 900 Kč

The version includes control of results and input data. Upon completion and checking of the results, the result will be stored within the MonitoreCO2 program and a certificate with the calculation results can be downloaded.



49 000 Kč

The entire calculation is modified and extended to include specific items and user requirements. Less common but still relevant items are included in the calculation.




It is possible to arrange for more branches of the company to calculate in any extent. In addition, a manual report will be prepared with an overall summary and evaluation of the results between the different branches.


Comparison of calculation versions

Calculation within Scope 1 and Scope 2
View results online
Generating and downloading report with results
in pdf format
Technical support
Inclusion of basic categories in Scope 3
(3.1.*, 3.2.*, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9)
Basic control of inputs and outputs
(1 hour)
Advanced Input and Output Control
(5 hours)
Possibility to unlock the calculation and edit the inputs (max. 5 items)
Certificate with carbon footprint results
from the WeMonitoreCO₂ project
Multiple accounts linked to a single calculation
Export calculation to excel
Broader inclusion of items in Scope 3
Import of input data from excel (in preparation)
Customized calculation - adding your own inputs
Expert consultation of results
in the form of a presentation
Dividing calculations over multiple plants
(in preparation)
free of charge4 900 Kč9 900 Kč24 900 Kč49 000 Kčindividual

* Pouze předdefinované položky.
** Ceny jsou uvedeny bez DPH, CI3 s.r.o. je plátcem DPH.
Nevyhovuje Vám některá varianta výpočtu nebo chcete variantu doplnit o další funkcionality, obraťte se na nás; vytvoříme pro Vás na míru šitou variantu výpočtu.

Additional services

Filling data into the system4 900 Kč
Initial training on input data
and working with the tool
4 900 Kč
Personal visit during the presentation of the
system or presentation of results
4 900 Kč

Related services

Preparing a decarbonisation strategyindividual
Preparation of a greenhouse gas reduction policy
and action plan
Calculation of the carbon footprint of the productindividual
Calculation of the carbon footprint of an actionindividual
CDP and ECOVADIS consultancyindividual
ESG consultancyindividual

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