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Toto je DEMO verze, změný nebudou doopravdy uloženy.


Include quantities of raw materials and products based on purchase in reporting year. These goods do not necessarily need to be used/consumed in a given year.

The purchase of important raw materials and products used by the company for its own activities and production. These are raw materials of significance in terms of weight or volume, in a case crucial to the company's output.


The quantity of paper in kilograms can be calculated for parcels of paper as: number of parcels*number of sheets in the package*(height*width format)*gramming in g per m2/ 10^3.Example: when collecting 100 parcels of 500 sheets with a grammage of 80 g/m2 and an A4 format (dimensions 21x29.7 cm) the total quantity in kilograms = 100 x 500 x 80 x 0.21 x 0.297 / 1000 = 249 kg.

Common mistakes

This does not include packaging that came into the company with purchased inputs and will become waste for the reporting company.

Packaging purchased for the sale or distribution of own products.


For example, foil, bags, bags, air pads, bubble wrap, but also crates, plastic boxes or other PE containers.

Common mistakes

Do not list items you have already filled in under category 11 - Purchases.


List quantities of other plastics such as polypropylene (PP), PVC, PET or if you do not distinguish between the material of purchased plastic packaging.


Quantity is outside the normal range. Please check the units.


Cloud services used listed as the gb data volume of paid content storage space in a given year.

11. Purchases13. Water and waste12 / 14

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